AntiGravity® Aerial Yoga Hammock - the original 'Harrison' Hammock


Aerial Yoga is different from typical yoga, as it uses a hammock to achieve different poses/ asanas. These genuine AntiGravity® Fitness Hammocks provide high quality aerial yoga equipment that is time-tested and safe to use. Our items are made from materials with the best quality to provide the necessary comfort and safety. The Harrison AntiGravity® Hammock Kit is what you need to effectively practice aerial yoga. 

The Harrison AntiGravity® Hammock kit includes everything you need to attach to your overhead points.

  • AntiGravity® Yoga Hammock
  • AntiGravity Aerial Yoga Instructional DVD
  • Hammock Assembly and Maintenance Guide (included in DVD)
  • AntiGravity Backsack

Due to many types of overhead environments, AntiGravity® does not provide instructions on how to rig your ceiling.  We suggest that you consult with a licensed contractor.

We are the ONLY official representative of AntiGravity® Yoga/ Fitness in Australia and NZ. You will ONLY find this hammock set here. Beware of cheap imitations. The material is actually 'watermark' branded thus ensuring quality and standards.

Feel free to contact us for inquiries on our equipment. One of our friendly staff will be happy to assist you. Also, please visit to learn more about AntiGravity® Aerial Yoga and the training courses we offer for instructors.