TACFIT™ Clubbell® Training: XENIOS USA


The all new design TACFIT Training Clubbell; manufactured by XENOS USA

Introducing the gold standard in Clubbell deisgn and manufacture from premier Crossfit equipment company XENIOS USA

Clubbells are classic training equipment that has been used for centuries. The training effect is caused by swinging movements creating ballistic forces similar to kettlebell training. With the gripping point far away from the weight center of mass the clubbells create a unique leverage strength training effect that is unlike any conventional training.

As opposed to conventional linear strength, which involves exercises with heavy weight in single, static planes of motion, Clubbell Athletics incorporates 3-dimensional strength, with lighter weight at first, swung in multiple planes of motion. The result is increased stability, improved joint strength, injury prevention, force production, and stimulation of neuromuscular coordination, among a very long list of other benefits to people from all ages and fitness levels.

TACFIT™ Clubbell® : XENIOS USA. Clubbell training offers a great combination of flexibility, agility, rhythm, timing, and strength.

The Xenios Clubbell stands out due to the familiar Xenios quality of manufacture. The cast iron Clubbell is coated with a polyurethane colour that protects the subjacent iron and the floor from scratches. 

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